Sunday, November 18, 2012

First Love

Marcus was reunited with his first love, Myla. Myla's and her mom were in our Amma New Mama class.

Marcus couldn't get enough of Myla's cuteness.

Baby on the Move

We officially have a crawler on our hands!!!! Marcus couldn't be prouder.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Inspired by all of the memes we've been making at work and enjoying on pinterest, I've decided to make Marcus the subject of a new series for our blog.

Tell me if you think this is funny (hopefully Marcus thinks so in about 18 years!)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

7 Month Milestones

Mr. Marcus is growing like a weed! I went through his clothes again this weekend and it is ridiculous the amount of things he no longer fits into. One thing we don't quite fit into is the winter coat I bought him - but that will come.

Today marked his 7 months on earth (outside the belly), and it was full of milestones!
-We had our second swimming class and hated it slightly less (two smiles vs none).
-We got super close to crawling on our own. Went up on all 4s and rocked back and forth numerous times.
-We surprised mama by sitting up on our own after waking up from a nap. Dad had to move the crib down to the lowest position since they say once babies sit up on their own they will start to pull up on anything they can get their hands on.
-We are getting our pincher grasp down. Blueberries and cereal puffs are going down the hatch ladies and gentlemen!

I can only imagine what the next 7 months have in store for us.....

Thursday, November 8, 2012

First Finger Food Moment

Marcus really loves trying to get these Cheerios into his mouth. We haven't had any success yet, but we are having fun practicing!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Er "happy" Halloween

Marcus enjoyed his first Halloween, well, mostly. He liked watching all of the trick or treaters come to the door. But as you can see from the video, he was not as keen on the daycare Halloween parade.

He made a super adorable gnome in my opinion.