Thursday, November 7, 2013

Feliz Halloween!

Just when you thought you can't get more embarrassing than a baby gnome halloween costume, I went ahead and doubled down.

I bring to you my most impressive pinterest inspiration - the toddler piñata (and family birthday party).

Pardon the blurry family photo - this was the best I could do with a 2 second shutter delay - at least you can get the gist of what we were going for (Marcus = piñata, Todd = birthday boy, Me = present).

Zoo Mania

First of all, let me address the obvious, I have been HORRIBLE about updating this blog for over 5 months.  Now that we've gotten that out of the way, let me fill you in on what we've been up to all summer.

Put very briefly, the ZOO. We discovered this year that the Minnesota Zoo is no where near as far away as we had thought it was, AND it has a ton of indoor exhibits - making it the perfect place to go on the weekend to let Marcus run around and learn about animals.

Marcus has gotten very good at his animal sounds & poses, and Todd and I have gotten even sharper on our animal knowledge (did you know giraffes don't have vocal chords - therefore they only make very limited sounds?!).

Here are some favorite pics…..