Saturday, November 26, 2011

What's in a name?

For those of you who may be confused as to why we refer to our baby-to-be as "Super Tiny", I thought I would provide a little context.

For as long as I can remember, Todd's pet-name for me has been "Tiny". Driven predominantly by the fact that he has 14 inches of height on me, and because I am so adorably petite :) Variations of this little nickname include "Tyneside" (a city in England where some soccer team plays), and the abreviated version of this,"Tyne".

So when we found out we were pregnant, we tried out a few different names for the little nugget inside me, but somehow "it" just didn't quite roll of the tongue. Luckily, by some stroke of genius, Todd one day sent me a text message saying that he missed "Tiny" and "Super Tiny" - and it has stuck ever since. It really is the perfect baby nickname. First of all it's gender agnostic, it's more creative than "bean", and finally it's much more endearing than "cletus the fetus".
Until we land on a final name, we will continue to refer to our little one as Super Tiny. And don't be surprised if we interchange other variations including: "Super", "Super Tyne" and "The Super". The possibilities are endless!

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