Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Week 35 - Ready and set!

5 weeks to go!

This week marks the final class in Todd and my baby preparation course schedule. Tuesday night we attended "Labor Skills". We learned all about coping strategies that we can leverage to help manage pain during the various stages of the labor process. There were a couple funny moments (hee hee hooooooo-ing in each others faces), but all in all, I would say we learned some very helpful tips and tricks.

We also had a doctor appointment this week. Baby continues to measure on track (my belly is at 36.5) and is still head down - good boy! He was kicking and really working up a sweat during the exam. Our doctor had to wait for him to calm down to get an accurate heart rate. Luckily, he took a timeout and gave a healthy heart rate reading of 156 beats/minute. I wonder if this is an indication of how active he will be as a baby and kid?

Monday, February 27, 2012

Week 34.... am I glowing yet?

The preparations continue in full swing! My belly keeps growing, and Super Tiny is as active as ever.

Todd and I took our "all-in-one" baby class last weekend, where we learned all about labor, breastfeeding and baby care basics. And this weekend the studies continued, with baby CPR. Even though some of the time during the classes I was thinking ignorance may have been bliss, now that I have had a few days to digest it all, I am glad to be armed with information. Here's hoping knowledge is power!

Body wise, I am starting to feel what I describe as very "rolly-poley". This little cartoon captures some of that sentiment....

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Pregnancy Casualties

I've found that being pregnant not only effects me, but also impacts a number of people and things around me. Here's a running list of "pregnancy casualties":

  • Yoga/stretchy pants - I'm pretty sure my "price per wear" on average is at 3 cents at this point
  • Pillows - Used for more than just head support. I've learned to wedge them pretty much anywhere in a quest for a comfortable night's sleep.
  • Carbohydrates - the simpler the better (examples include Kraft Mac n' Cheese and Market Pantry Animal Crackers - I think I've gone through 4 huge containers, see below)
  • Service People - My patience is at an all time low, and I've found that pregnancy nullifies any filter I might have once had. If I am not happy with a situation, or have a thought that pops in my head, I will say it. Warning!

This Guy Never Stood a Chance

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Minneapolis Shower Pics

Since I got called out by Jenny on my slow posting, I am "bringing it" in this pots. Here are some more great pictures from the Minneapolis shower :) Courtesy of RTCK photography.

Enjoy friends!

Target Ladies

Macy's Ladies

Group Shot
The Twins!
CSOM Besties
Action Shot
Best and Cutest Parents Ever!
Boo-Bunny Favors
By the Sweets.... Typical

So Much To Do, So Little Time

7 weeks to go friends (well actually now 6), but let's pretend I wasn't lazy last week and actually posted....

Week 33 of pregnancy brought out the task masters in Todd and I. We got the car seat installed, sent in our preregistration for the hospital, put together the bouncy seat, and the list goes on and on!

I wish I could say we are all caught up, but honestly, it still feels like there is so much to do!

To Do "Pile"

Belly at 33 Weeks

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

32 Weeks and Counting

More of the same friends, the belly just keeps growing!

This week has Braxton Hicks contractions kicked up a notch - hopefully all these "practice" contractions are put to good use in 8 weeks.

Todd and I also went on a tour of the Birthing Center at Methodist Hospital, where Super Tiny will be born. It was great to familiarize ourselves with the center and learn about what we will go through. However, I have to say I got a little freaked out after mental imaging myself in those rooms, going through the actual experience of giving birth. I suppose I just need to warm up to the idea. Thank goodness I still have two months to go, huh?

Sister Babymoon

So what is one to do when one's husband is unable to get away for a babymoon? Take one's sister!

Yay for Romina who agreed to head to Arizona with a 30 week pregnant lady for a long weekend! We spent 5 fun and sun-filled days in Scottsdale at the end of January, and it was amazing. We relaxed, watched season 1 of The Hills (remember The Hills???!!!) and indulged in an amazing spa day at Montelucia spa (aka, the best spa EVER).

Here are some video of our trip - warning, you will see me in a maternity tankini. It's the best I could do :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Who wants a Pina Colada?

This week marks 31 weeks, and our little baby boy is the size of a pineapple. As my sister said, "delicious, but pinchy!". I can't believe we are down to the single week countdown. Only 9 to go!

And boy has this baby been busy, it seems even though space is getting cramped, he is not letting it stop him. He kicks and rolls and punches all day long. Luckily I am a very heavy sleeper, so his acrobatics have not kept me up at night (yet).