Sunday, February 26, 2012

Pregnancy Casualties

I've found that being pregnant not only effects me, but also impacts a number of people and things around me. Here's a running list of "pregnancy casualties":

  • Yoga/stretchy pants - I'm pretty sure my "price per wear" on average is at 3 cents at this point
  • Pillows - Used for more than just head support. I've learned to wedge them pretty much anywhere in a quest for a comfortable night's sleep.
  • Carbohydrates - the simpler the better (examples include Kraft Mac n' Cheese and Market Pantry Animal Crackers - I think I've gone through 4 huge containers, see below)
  • Service People - My patience is at an all time low, and I've found that pregnancy nullifies any filter I might have once had. If I am not happy with a situation, or have a thought that pops in my head, I will say it. Warning!

This Guy Never Stood a Chance

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